CopperLink™ 1214E Series
Extended Temperature
Ethernet Extender
Quick Start Guide
Important—This is a Class A device and is intended for use in a light
industrial environment. It is not intended nor approved for use in an
industrial or residential environment.
Sales Office: +1 (301) 975-1000
Part Number: 07MCL1214E-QS, Rev. C
Technical Support: +1 (301) 975-1007
Revised: July 24, 2014
1.0 Configure the DIP Switches
The CL1214E has eight DIP switches (S1) for configuring the unit for a wide variety of
applications. Once the Cl1214E’s are properly installed, they should operate transpar-
ently. No user settings required.
“Power up the CL1214E Series” on page 5 to verify that the unit is con-
nected to the appropriate power source.
1.1 Configuring the Hardware DIP Switches
The DIP switches are externally accessible from the underside of the CL1214E.
Figure 1 shows the orientation of the DIP switches in the ON and OFF positions.
Figure 1. DIP switch orientation
Configuring DIP Switch S1
DIP Switch S1 is where you configure the CopperLink line. The following tables
describe the configuration for the CL1214E.
Table 1. S1 Summary
Line Rate/Symmetry
Line Rate/Symmetry
SNR Margin
CopperLink 1214E Series Quick Start Guide
Table 1. S1 Summary
Switch S1-1: Local/Remote Configuration
Use Switch S1-1 to configure the unit as Remote or Local in the CL1214E.
Table 2. Local/Remote Unit Configuration
Switches S1-2 and S1-3: Symmetric/Asymmetric Operation
Use Switches S1-2 and S1-3 to configure the CopperLink line rate type and operation.
Table 3. Symmetric/Asymmetric Selection Chart
High-Speed “Symmetric”
High-Speed “Asymmetric”
FastPath High-Speed “Asymmetric”
Long-Range “Asymmetric”
Switch S1-5: General Protection (Signal to Noise Ratio)
Use Switch S1-5 to configure line noise protection.
Table 4. Signal to Noise Ratio
6dB: Original line noise protection with 6dB SNR
9dB: Better line noise protection with SNR up to 9dB
CopperLink 1214E Series Quick Start Guide
2.0 Power up the CL1214E Series
Figure 2. Power Supply Installation
2.1 Models with external AC adapter
1. To connect the AC power supply, determine the positive lead and negative lead on
the power adapter.
2. Insert the positive lead into the opening on the terminal block labeled + and the
negative lead into the opening on the terminal block labeled -.
3. Tighten the screws on the block to secure the wires.
The CL1214E Series powers up as soon as it is connected to an AC power source—
there is no power switch.
2.2 Power up indication
Verify that the Power LED on the front panel (see figure 3) illuminates and remains lit.
Figure 3. CL1214E front panel
3.0 Connect the CopperLink interface
1. Obtain single-twisted-pair cable with an RJ-45 plug connector at each end.
CopperLink 1214E Series Quick Start Guide
2. Plug one end of the cable into the RJ-45 socket (labeled Line) on the CL1214E.
Verify that the other end of the cable is connected to the Line port on the other
CL1214E and that the port is correctly configured.
3. When a link is established, the Line Link LED will turn on.
4.0 Connect the Ethernet port(s)
The RJ-45 ports labeled Eth 0 through Eth 3 are the Auto-MDIX 10/100Base-T inter-
face. These ports are designed to connect directly to a 10/100Base-T device or network.
You may connect this port to a hub or PC using a straight through or crossover cable
that is up to 328 ft (100 m) long.
5.0 Additional information
For detailed information about installing, configuring, and operating the CopperLink,
A.0 Compliance Information
A.1 Compliance
EN55022, Class A
IEC/EN60950-1, 2nd edition
This device is not intended nor approved for connection to the PSTN
1.2 Radio and TV Interference (FCC Part 15)
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and
used properly—that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions—may
cause interference to radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested
and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with
the specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide
reasonable protection from such interference in a commercial installation. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If the
equipment causes interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-
mined by disconnecting the cables, try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures: moving the computing equipment away from the receiver, re-ori-
CopperLink 1214E Series Quick Start Guide
enting the receiving antenna, and/or plugging the receiving equipment into a different
AC outlet (such that the computing equipment and receiver are on different branches).
A.3 CE Declaration of Conformity
Product Description: CopperLink 1214E Series
This equipment conforms to the requirements of Council Directive 1999/5/EC on the
approximation of the laws of the member states relating to Radio and Telecommunica-
tion Terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity and the Direc-
tive 2011/65/EC relating to RoHS compliance.
The safety advice in the documentation accompanying the
products shall be obeyed. The conformity to the above direc-
tive is indicated by the CE sign on the device.
The signed Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded from
A.4 EG-Konformitätserklärung
Produktbezeichnung: CopperLink 1214E Series
Die bezeichneten Produkte stimmen in der von uns in Verkehr gebrachten Ausführung
mit den Vorschriften folgender Richtlinie überein:
R&TTE 1999/5/EG
Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über Funkanlagen und
Telekommunikations-Endeinrichtungen und die gegenseitige Anerkennung
ihrer Konformität.
Die Sicherheitshinweise in der mitgelieferten
Produktdokumentation sind zu beachten. Die Konformität mit
der oben erwähnten Richtlinie wird durch das CE-Zeichen
auf dem Gerät bestätigt.
Die unterzeichnete Konformitätserklärung kann heruntergeladen werden von:
A.5 Authorized European Representative
D R M Green
European Compliance Services Ltd
Greyfriars Court
Paradise Square
Oxford, OX1 1BE, UK
CopperLink 1214E Series Quick Start Guide
Copyright statement
Copyright © 2013, Patton Electronics Company. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Patton Electron-
ics assumes no liability for errors that may appear in this document.
Trademarks statement
The term CopperLink is a trademark of Patton Electronics Company. All other trade-
marks presented in this document are the property of their respective owners.
Patton support headquarters in the USA
Online support: Available at
ness day
Telephone support: Standard telephone support is available five days a week—from
8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST (1300 to 2200 UTC/GMT)—by calling +1 (301) 975-1007
Support via VoIP: Contact Patton free of charge by using a VoIP ISP phone to call
Fax: +1 (301) 869-9293
Alternate Patton support for Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Telephone support: Standard telephone support is available five days a week—from
8:00 am to 5:00 pm CET (0900 to 1800 UTC/GMT)—by calling +41 (0)31 985 25 55
Fax: +41 (0)31 985 25 26
Note For additional service and support information, refer to the “Contacting
Patton for assistance” chapter of the CopperLink 1214E Series User
Warranty, Trademark, & Compliance Information
For warranty, trademark and compliance information, refer to the CopperLink 1214E
CopperLink 1214E Series Quick Start Guide
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