ES3640e MFP Software Installation Guide
Windows TCP/IP Network Installation.....2
About this Guide
Novell Installation ......................................7
This guide describes the initial printer driver
installation. For more detailed information, refer to
the EFI User Software Installation Guide and EFI
Configuration Guide provided on the User
Documentation CD (CD3).
Macintosh Installation..............................8
OS 9.1 to 9.2.x.......................................8
OS X.1+ to X.3+................................... 10
The general steps for installing the software are as
• Install the PostScript or PCL printer driver and
corresponding printer driver files.
• Set up the printer driver to communicate with
the Fiery.
• Install Fiery utilities and user software.
• Configure Fiery utilities and user software.
You must also configure either a local connection
for printing directly to your printer or a network
connection for printing over a network.
A full set of user documentation, where
procedures are described in detail, is provided on
the User Documentation CD (CD3).
Service and Support
• Consult the dealer where you purchased your
Windows TCP/IP
Network Installation (cont’d)
14. Select Yes and press ENTER to Save Changes.
1 Assign an IP address to the MFP
Press ENTER to Exit the Setup Menu.
If you are not using DHCP, you need to obtain an IP
Address from your network Administrator and
enter it using the front panel:
15. Printer restarts the server and initializes. Ready
to Print displays.
1. Confirm that the printer displays [Ready to
2. Press ∇ key until [Admin Setup] appears. Press
3. Continue to Setup? displays. Press ENTER to
select Yes. The printer goes offline and Running
Setup displays. This will take about a minute.
4. The Setup Menu displays, press ∇ to select
Network Setup. Press ENTER.
5. Press ∇ to select Protocol Setup. Press ENTER.
6. Press ∇ to select TCP/IP Setup. Press ENTER.
7. Press ∇ to select Ethernet Setup. Press ENTER.
8. TCP/IP Ethernet displays. Select Yes and press
ENTER. Enable AutoIP Config? displays. Select No.
Press ENTER.
9. The default IP Address displays. Use ∆ or ∇ to
change each octet. Press ENTER to proceed to
the next octet or to leave the octet unchanged.
10. Subnet Mask displays. Repeat instructions in
step 9.
11. TCP/IP bound to Ethernet displays. Press ENTER.
12. Gateway Address displays. Repeat instructions in
step 9.
13. Press ENTER to exit TCP/IP Setup, Protocol
Setup, and Network Setup.
Windows TCP/IP
Network Installation (cont’d)
2 Install the Fiery PostScript Printer
In order to send documents to the MFP, the LPR
utility must be installed. LPR installs
1. Insert the printer driver CD (CD1) into your
CD-ROM drive. The CD will autorun.
automatically when the drivers are installed
using the Menu Installer as instructed here. If
drivers are installed using Windows Add Printer
Wizard, you must manually load the LPR Utility
from the Menu Installer on CD1. To do this, click
Custom Install /Network Software/
If it doesn’t autorun, click Start → Run →
Browse. Browse to your CD-ROM drive.
Double-click Install.exe. Click OK.
2. Select your language.
InstallationConfig/OKI LPR.
3. Click Next to accept the License Agreement.
4. Select Custom Install to install the printer
3 Install Printer Utilities
driver and the software utilities.
To install only the printer driver, select
Minimal Install and skip the next step.
Select Custom Install in the Menu Installer on the
driver CD (CD1). Choose from these software
5. Click the Printer Driver Installer button.
•Network Software
6. Select Network Printer. Click Next.
Click Installation/Config to select utilities for
network printing, installation, and
7. Select Directly to the Network using TCP/
8. The TCP/IP Connection screen displays. Select
Click Administration Tools to select network
management tools.
Search Address. Click Next.
9. Highlight your printer model. Click Next.
•Productivity Software
10. Select Printer Emulation. Click Next.
Select Windows printer software.
11. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete
the installation.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the
Discover the MFP
The LPR Utility is automatically installed with the
network printer driver. To discover the printer, do
the following:
1. Click Start → Programs → Oki
Data → Oki Data LPR Utility.
2. Click Remote Print. Then, click Add Printer.
3. Select your printer model from the drop-down
list, then either enter the IP Address manually,
or click Discover and wait for the printer to be
discovered. Click OK.
Windows TCP/IP
Network Installation (cont’d)
4 Install the EFI Fiery Utilities
5 Activating Options
1. Insert the EFI Utilities CD (CD2) into your
CD-ROM drive.
After you have completed the printer driver
installation, you must configure the MFP for the
installed options. You can configure the options
manually or, for TCP/IP network connections, you
can use the Two-Way Communication feature to
configure the options automatically.
2. Select your language.
3. Click Next to accept the License Agreement.
4. Select your printer model. Click Next.
To Configure Options Manually
1. Click Start → Settings → Printers.
5. Select Quick Install to install only Command
WorkStation, or, select Custom Install to
install your choice of these EFI tools:
2. Right-click the OKI ES3640e MFP EFI Fiery
> Command WorkStation
> Fiery Mail Port
3. Click Properties.
4. Click the Installable Options tab.
> Fiery Printer Delete
> Fiery Downloader
> Fiery ColorWise Pro Tools
> Fiery Remote Scan
In PCL emulation, click the Device Options tab
and specify the options installed on your
If the computer will not be used by an ES3640e
MFP administrator, Command WorkStation may
not be required.
5. Select an installed option from the Available
Options list.
6. Click Add to move the option to the Installed
Options list.
7. Click Apply. Click OK.
To Configure Options Automatically
If you have a TCP/IP-enabled network, you can
automatically update your printer driver to reflect
the options currently installed on the printer.
1. Click Start → Settings → Printers.
2. Right-click the OKI ES3640e MFP EFI Fiery
Windows TCP/IP
Network Installation (cont’d)
3. Click Properties.
6 Install the User Documentation
4. Click the Installable Options tab.
5. Select Two-Way Communications.
1. Insert the User Documentation CD (CD3) into
your CD-ROM drive. The CD will autorun.
If it doesn’t, click Start → Run → Browse.
Browse to your CD-ROM drive. Double-click
Install.exe. Click OK.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
6. Type the Fiery IP address or DNS name.
7. To display the printer’s current default settings
when opened, select Update Fiery Driver
When Opened.
8. Click Update. Click OK.
Windows Network Installation
1 Install the Utility
2 Install the MFP on a Novell® Network
This utility installs, configures, and manages Oki
network print server devices.
Novell Client for Windows must be loaded, the
Admin Manager software must be running, and
you must be logged in to NDS.
1. Insert the printer driver CD (CD1) into your
CD-ROM drive. The CD will autorun.
1. Run Discover.
If it doesn’t autorun, click Start → Run →
Browse. Browse to your CD-ROM drive.
Double-click Install.exe. Click OK.
2. Select Setup from the menu.
3. Click Create a NetWare Queue.
4. Select NDS Mode. Click Next.
5. Select the container. Click Next.
6. Select Print Server Mode. Click Next.
7. Select or create a queue. Click Execute.
2. Select your language.
3. The Licence Agreement appears. Click Next to
4. Select Custom Install.
5. The Menu Installer screen appears.
6. Click the Network Software button.
7. Click the Installation/Config button.
8. Click the Admin Mgr/Quick Setup button.
Launching the Utility
To launch the utility click
Start → Programs → Oki Data Setup
Utility → Admin Manager.
9. Setup Assistant displays. Select your
3 Activating Options
10. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete
the installation.
If your MFP has optional paper trays or a finisher
installed, they must be activated in the printer
driver. See page 5 for instructions on how to do
NOTE: You can either install the software while
running the utility off the CD, or you can choose
to install the utility on your computer and then
launch it from there.
For more information, see the Configuration
Guide on the User Documentation CD.
Macintosh Installation
OS 9.1 to 9.2.x
2. Select the LaserWriter8 icon and highlight the
1 Install the Driver
printer name (print server ID#).
1. Turn the MFP ON, then turn the computer ON.
3. Click Create.
2. Insert the printer driver CD (CD1) into your
CD-ROM drive.
4. Select OKI ES3640e MFP PPD. Click Select.
5. Close Chooser.
3. Double-click the OKI CD icon that appears on
the desktop.
4. Double-click the MAC icon.
3 Create the Desktop Printer for USB
5. Double-click Installer for MAC OS 9.
6. Double-click Mac Installer ES3640e MFP.
7. Click Continue.
1. Navigate to Applications Mac OS 9
→ Utilities.
2. Double-click the Desktop Printer Utility icon.
3. In the drop-down box, select LaserWriter 8.
8. If prompted, select your language.
4. Highlight Printer (USB) under Create
9. The License Agreement appears. Click Accept
Desktop. Click OK.
to accept the terms.
5. Under USB Printer Selection, click Change.
10. Click Easy Install to install PPD Files, Adobe
PS Package, and Printing Plug-ins.
6. Highlight your MFP model. Click OK.
Click Custom Install to install your choice of
Adobe PS Package, PPD Files, Adobe PS
Options Plug-ins, SDM for MAC, Swatch Utility,
Admin Setup Utility, Printing Plug-ins.
7. Click Create. The MFP icon appears on the
8. Click AutoSetup.
11. Click Continue to install additional utilities.
12. When the installation is complete, click Quit.
2 Create the Desktop Printer for a
1. Activate Chooser from the Apple menu.
Macintosh Installation
OS 9.1 to 9.2.x (cont’d)
4 Install the EFI Fiery Utilities
5 Install the User Documentation
1. Place EFI Utilities CD (CD2) in the CD-ROM
For additional information on using MFP features as
well as MFP utilities, see the on-line
2. Double-click the OKI CD icon that appears on
the desktop.
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher
and Acrobat Reader.
3. Double-click the MAC icon.
To Load
4. Double-click User Software.
In order to open the on-line documentation, you
must have Acrobat Reader installed.
5. Double-click the OS X icon to install Command
Workstation LF.
1. Insert the User Documentation CD (CD3) into
your CD-ROM drive.
6. Double-click Mac Color Files to install CMYK
Color Reference, Pantone Book, RGB Page 1,
RGB Page 2, and Calibration utilities.
2. From the CD contents folder, drag the Manual
folder to the desktop.
7. Double-click Color Sync to install ICC files.
8. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Macintosh Installation
OS X.1+ to X.3+
1 Install the Driver and Utilities
3 Install the EFI Fiery Utilities
1. Turn the MFP ON, then turn the computer ON.
1. Place CD2 in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Place the CD supplied with the MFP in the
CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the OKI CD icon that appears on
the desktop.
3. Double-click the OKI CD icon that appears on
the desktop.
3. Double-click the MAC icon.
4. Double-click User Software.
4. Double-click the MAC icon.
5. Double-click the OS X icon to install Command
5. Double-click the MAC OS X icon.
6. Double-click Installer for MAC OS X.
7. If prompted, select your language.
Workstation LF.
6. Double-click Mac Color Files to install CMYK
Color Reference, Pantone Book, RGB Page 1,
RGB Page 2, and Calibration utilities.
8. License Agreement appears. Click Accept to
7. Double-click Color Sync to install ICC files.
accept the terms.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
9. Click the Install button.
10. Click Quit.
2 Adding the MFP
1. Run the Print Center (or Print Setup Utility X.3).
Click Add printer.
2. Select IP Printing from the drop down menu.
NOTE: If you are using USB, select USB and
disregard the following step.
3. Enter the MFP's IP address.
4. From the Printer Model drop down menu, select
the correct PPD for your printer model. Click
5. Quit the Print Center.
In order to use the IP Printing connection, the
user may need to enter the Queue name as
“Direct”, “Print”, or “Hold” instead of the default
Macintosh Installation
OS X.1+ to X.3+ (cont’d)
4 Install the User Documentation
For additional information on using MFP features as
well as MFP utilities, see the on-line
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher
and Acrobat Reader.
To Load
In order to open the on-line documentation, you
must have Acrobat Reader installed.
1. Insert the User Documentation CD (CD3) into
your CD-ROM drive.
2. From the CD contents folder, drag the Manual
folder to the desktop.
OKI is a registered trademark of Oki Electric Industry Company, Ltd.
Microsoft, Internet Explorer and Windows are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Apple, Macintosh, Mac and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer.
Other product names and brand names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their proprietors.
Command WorkStation, EFI, Fiery, the Fiery logo are registered trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc.,
in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or certain other foreign jurisdictions.
All other terms and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are hereby
Pantone, Inc. is the copyright owner of color data and/or software which are licensed to Electronics for Imaging, Inc., to distribute
for use only in combination with the products, or software of Electronics for Imaging, Inc. PANTONE Color Data and/or Software
shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory except as part of the delivery of the Electronics for Imaging, Inc., products
or software.
Oki Data Americas, Inc., 2000 Bishops Gate Blvd., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-4620
© 2005 Oki Data Americas, Inc.
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