in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain restrictions. Please refer to the notes in the
operating instructions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market
and has been granted the right to test the series for compliance with the regulations.
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement
This equipment is in the second category (information equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent area
thereto) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing
Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential areas.
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radio interference.
Read instructions for correct handling.
Customer Support
Refer to the Support Information Card that shipped with your RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router.
World Wide Web
NETGEAR maintains a World Wide Web home page that you can access at the universal resource
such as Internet Explorer or Netscape are required.
Product and Publication Details
Model Number:
Publication Date:
Product Family:
Product Name:
RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router
Home or Business Product:
Publication Part Number:
Publication Version Number: 3.0
v3.0, 2006-03
v3.0, 2006-03
Audience, Scope, Conventions, and Formats .................................................................. ix
How to Use This Manual ................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1
Package Contents ..........................................................................................................1-1
The Router’s Rear Panel .........................................................................................1-3
Installing the RP614v4 router .........................................................................................1-3
Maintenance and Support ..............................................................................................1-4
Chapter 2
Content Filtering
Content Filtering Overview .............................................................................................2-1
Blocking Access to Internet Sites ...................................................................................2-2
Blocking Access to Internet Services .............................................................................2-3
Configuring Service Blocking by IP Address Range ................................................2-5
Scheduling When Blocking Will Be Enforced .................................................................2-6
Configuring E-Mail Alert and Web Access Log Notifications ..........................................2-9
Chapter 3
Viewing Router Status Information .................................................................................3-1
Configuration File Management .....................................................................................3-5
v3.0, 2006-03
Changing the Administrator Password ...........................................................................3-8
Chapter 4
Advanced Configuration of the Router
Configuring for Port Forwarding to Local Servers ..........................................................4-4
Configuring the WAN Setup Options ..............................................................................4-7
Disabling the SPI Firewall ........................................................................................4-8
Setting the MTU Size ...............................................................................................4-9
Using the LAN IP Setup Options ....................................................................................4-9
Configuring LAN TCP/IP Setup Parameters ..........................................................4-10
Using the Router as a DHCP server ......................................................................4-11
Using Address Reservation ....................................................................................4-11
Enabling Remote Management Access .......................................................................4-16
Using Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ........................................................................4-17
Chapter 5
Basic Functioning ...........................................................................................................5-1
LAN or Internet Port Lights Not On ..........................................................................5-2
Troubleshooting the Web Configuration Interface ..........................................................5-2
Testing the LAN Path to Your Router .......................................................................5-5
v3.0, 2006-03
Appendix A
Technical Specifications
Factory Default Settings ................................................................................................ A-1
Appendix B
Related Documents
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v3.0, 2006-03
About This Manual
This section describes the intended audience, scope, conventions, and formats of this manual.
Audience, Scope, Conventions, and Formats
This reference manual assumes that the reader has basic to intermediate computer and Internet
skills. However, basic computer network, Internet, firewall, and VPN technologies tutorial
information is provided in the Appendices and on the Netgear website.
This guide uses the following typographical conventions:
Table 1. Typographical Conventions
Emphasis, books, CDs, URL names
User input
Screen text, file and server names, extensions, commands, IP addresses
This guide uses the following formats to highlight special messages:
v3.0, 2006-03
RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
This manual is written for the RP614v4 router according to these specifications:
Table 2. Manual Scope
Product Version
RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router
Manual Publication Date
Note: Product updates are available on the NETGEAR, Inc. Web site at
How to Use This Manual
The HTML version of this manual includes the following:
at a time
, for browsing forwards or backwards through the manual one page
button that displays the table of contents and an
button. Double-click on a
link in the table of contents or index to navigate directly to where the topic is described in the
button to access the full NETGEAR, Inc. online knowledge base for the product
Links to PDF versions of the full manual and individual chapters.
How to Print this Manual
To print this manual you can choose one of the following several options, according to your needs.
Printing a Page in the HTML View.
v3.0, 2006-03
RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Each page in the HTML version of the manual is dedicated to a major topic. Use the Print
button on the browser toolbar to print the page contents.
Printing a Chapter.
Use the PDF of This Chapter link at the top left of any page.
— Click the PDF of This Chapter link at the top right of any page in the chapter you want to
print. The PDF version of the chapter you were viewing opens in a browser window.
— Your computer must have the free Adobe Acrobat reader installed in order to view and
print PDF files. The Acrobat reader is available on the Adobe Web site at
— Click the print icon in the upper left of the window.
Printing the Full Manual.
Use the Complete PDF Manual link at the top left of any page.
— Click the Complete PDF Manual link at the top left of any page in the manual. The PDF
version of the complete manual opens in a browser window.
— Click the print icon in the upper left of the window.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
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Chapter 1
This chapter lists the package contents for the RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router, describes the front and
rear panel layouts, and describes your NETGEAR maintenance and support benefits.
Package Contents
The product package should contain the following items:
RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router.
AC power adapter.
Category 5 (CAT5) Ethernet cable.
Resource CD, including:
— This guide.
— The Installation Guide
— Application Notes and other helpful information.
Registration and Warranty Card.
Support Information Card.
If any of the parts are incorrect, missing, or damaged, contact your NETGEAR dealer. Keep the
carton, including the original packing materials, in case you need to return the router for repair.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
The Router’s Front Panel
The front panel of the RP614v4 router contains the status lights described below.
Figure 1-1
You can use the status lights to verify connections. Viewed from left to right, the table below
describes the lights on the front panel of the router.
Table 1-1. Status Light Descriptions
1. Power On Green Solid
Power is supplied to the router.
Power is not supplied to the router.
2. Test
The router is initializing or in the middle of a firmware upgrade.
The router is ready and running.
3. Internet On—Amber
The Ethernet cable is connected but the router has not acquired an
Internet address.
The router has an Internet address.
Data is being transmitted or received by the Internet port.
4. LAN
The LAN (local area network) port is connected to a 100 Mbps device.
Data is being transmitted or received at 100 Mbps.
The Local port has detected link with a 10 Mbps device.
Data is being transmitted or received at 10 Mbps.
No link is detected on this port.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
The Router’s Rear Panel
The rear panel of the RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router contains these connections.
4 LAN Ports
Figure 1-2
Viewed from left to right, the rear panel contains the following features:
AC power adapter outlet for 5 V DC @ 1 A output, 5W maximum
Factory Default Reset push button for Restoring the Default Configuration and Password
Internet (WAN) Ethernet port for connecting the router to a cable or DSL modem
Four Local (LAN) 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports for connecting the router to the local
Installing the RP614v4 router
For installation instructions refer to the setup manual that came on the CD, or refer to one of the
online versions listed in the following table.
Table 1-1. RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Online Setup Manuals
Setup Manual URL
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Table 1-1. RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Online Setup Manuals (continued)
Setup Manual URL
Maintenance and Support
NETGEAR offers the following features to help you maximize your use of the RP614v4 router:
Flash memory for firmware upgrades
Free technical support seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day
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Chapter 2
Content Filtering
This chapter describes how to use the content filtering features of the RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router
to protect your network. These features can be found by clicking on the Content Filtering heading
in the Main Menu of the browser interface.
Content Filtering Overview
The RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router provides you with Web content filtering options, plus browsing
activity reporting and instant alerts via e-mail. Parents and network administrators can establish
restricted access policies based on time of day, Web addresses and Web address keywords. You can
also block Internet access by applications and services, such as chat or games.
To configure these features of your router, click on the subheadings under the Content Filtering
subheadings are described below:
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Blocking Access to Internet Sites
The RP614v4 router allows you to restrict access based on Web addresses and Web address
keywords. Up to 255 entries are supported in the Keyword list. The Block Sites menu is shown in
Figure 2-1 below:
Figure 2-1
To enable keyword blocking:
1. Select either “Per Schedule” or “Always”
2. Click Apply.
3. If you want to block by schedule, be sure to specify a time period in the Schedule menu, as
To add a keyword or domain, type it in the Keyword box, click Add Keyword, then click Apply.
To delete a keyword or domain, select it from the list, click Delete Keyword, then click Apply.
Content Filtering
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Keyword application examples:
If the keyword “.com” is specified, only Web sites with other domain suffixes (such as .edu or
.gov) can be viewed.
If you wish to block all Internet browsing access during a scheduled period, enter the keyword
“.” and set the schedule in the Schedule menu.
To specify a Trusted User:
1. Enter that computer’s IP address in the Trusted User box.
2. Click Apply.
You may specify one Trusted User, which is a computer that will be exempt from blocking and
logging. Since the Trusted User will be identified by an IP address, you should configure that
computer with a fixed IP address.
Blocking Access to Internet Services
The RP614v4 router allows you to block the use of certain Internet services by computers on your
network. This is called service blocking or port filtering. The Block Services menu is shown
Figure 2-2
Content Filtering
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Services are functions performed by server computers at the request of client computers. For
example, Web servers serve Web pages, time servers serve time and date information, and game
hosts serve data about other players’ moves. When a computer on your network sends a request for
service to a server computer on the Internet, the requested service is identified by a service or port
number. This number appears as the destination port number in the transmitted IP packets. For
example, a packet that is sent with destination port number 80 is an HTTP (Web server) request.
To enable service blocking:
1. Select either Per Schedule or Always
2. Click Apply.
3. If you want to block by schedule, be sure to specify a time period in the Schedule menu, as
To specify a service for blocking:
1. Click Add. The Add Services menu will appear, as shown below:
Figure 2-3
2. From the Service Type list, select the application or service to be allowed or blocked. The list
already displays several common services, but you are not limited to these choices. To add any
additional services or applications that do not already appear, select User Defined.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Configuring a User Defined Service
To define a service, first you must determine which port number or range of numbers is used by
the application. The service numbers for many common protocols are defined by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) and published in RFC1700, “Assigned Numbers.” Service
numbers for other applications are typically chosen from the range 1024 to 65535 by the authors of
the application. This information can usually be determined by contacting the publisher of the
application or from user groups of newsgroups.
1. Enter the Starting Port and Ending Port numbers. If the application uses a single port number,
enter that number in both boxes.
2. If you know that the application uses either TCP or UDP, select the appropriate protocol. If
you are not sure, select Both.
Configuring Service Blocking by IP Address Range
Under “Filter Services For”, you can block the specified service for a single computer, a range of
computers (having consecutive IP addresses), or all computers on your network.
Content Filtering
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Scheduling When Blocking Will Be Enforced
The RP614v4 router allows you to specify when blocking will be enforced. The Schedule menu is
shown below:
Figure 2-4
Use this schedule for blocking content. Check this box if you wish to enable a schedule for
Content Filtering.
Days to Block. Select days to block by checking the appropriate boxes. Select “Every day” to
check the boxes for all days.
Time of Day to Block. Select a start and end time in 23:59 format. Select “All Day” for 24
hour blocking.
Click Apply to make the schedule take effect.
Be sure to select your Time Zone in the E-Mail menu; see “Configuring E-Mail Alert and Web
Access Log Notifications” on page 2-9 for details.
Content Filtering
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Viewing Logs of Web Access or Attempted Web Access
The log is a detailed record of what Web sites you have accessed or attempted to access. Up to 128
entries are stored in the log. Log entries will only appear when keyword blocking is enabled, and
no log entries will be made for the Trusted User. An example is shown below:
Figure 2-5
Table 2-1. Log entry descriptions
Date and Time
Source IP
The date and time the log entry was recorded.
The IP address of the initiating device for this log entry.
This field displays whether the access was blocked or allowed.
Target URL
The name or IP address of the Web site or newsgroup visited or
attempted to access.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Configuring E-Mail Alert and Web Access Log Notifications
In order to receive logs and alerts by E-mail, you must provide your E-mail information in the E-
Mail menu, shown below:
Figure 2-6
Turn E-mail Notification On—Check this box if you wish to receive e-mail logs and alerts
from the router.
Your Outgoing Mail Server—Enter the name of your outgoing (SMTP) mail server (such as You may be able to find this information in the configuration menu of your
e-mail program. If you leave this box blank, log and alert messages will not be sent via e-mail.
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Authentication with SMTP Server—If you use an outgoing mail server provided by your
current ISP, you do not need to check this box. If you use an e-mail account that is not
provided by your ISP, check this box and enter the required user name and password
Send To This E-mail Address—Enter the e-mail address to which logs and alerts are sent.
This e-mail address will also be used as the From address. If you leave this box blank, log and
alert messages will not be sent via e-mail.
You can specify that logs are automatically sent to the specified e-mail address with these options:
Send alert immediately—Check this box if you would like immediate notification of
attempted access to a blocked site.
Send logs according to this schedule—Use this option to specify how often to send the logs:
Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or When Full.
Day for sending log
Specifies which day of the week to send the log. Relevant when the log is sent weekly or
Time for sending log
Specifies the time of day to send the log. Relevant when the log is sent daily or weekly.
If the Weekly, Daily or Hourly option is selected and the log fills up before the specified
period, the log is automatically e-mailed to the specified e-mail address. After the log is sent,
the log is cleared from the router’s memory. If the router cannot e-mail the log file, the log
buffer may fill up. In this case, the router overwrites the log and discards its contents.
The RP614v4 router uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to obtain the current time and date
from one of several Network Time Servers on the Internet. In order to localize the time for your
log entries, you must specify your Time Zone:
Time Zone—Select your local time zone. This setting will be used for the blocking schedule
and for time-stamping log entries.
Daylight Savings Time—Check this box if your time zone is currently under daylight savings
Content Filtering
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Chapter 3
This chapter describes how to use the maintenance features of your RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router.
These features can be found by clicking on the Maintenance heading in the Main Menu of the
browser interface.
Viewing Router Status Information
The Router Status menu provides status and usage information. From the Main Menu of the
browser interface, click on Maintenance, then select System Status to view the Router Status
screen, shown below.
Figure 3-1
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
This screen shows the following parameters:
Table 3-1.
Router Status Fields
Account Name
Firmware Version
Internet Port
This field displays the Host Name assigned to the router.
This field displays the router firmware version.
These parameters apply to the Internet (Wire Area Network also referred
to as WAN) port of the router.
MAC Address
IP Address
This field displays the Media Access Control address being used by the
Internet (WAN) port of the router.
This field displays the IP address being used by the Internet (WAN) port
of the router. If no address is shown, the router cannot connect to the
If set to FixedIP, the router is configured to use a fixed IP address on the
If set to Client, the router is configured to obtain an IP address
dynamically from the ISP.
IP Subnet Mask
This field displays the IP Subnet Mask being used by the Internet (WAN)
port of the router.
Domain Name Server (DNS) This field displays the IPaddress(es) of the DNS server(s).
LAN Port
These parameters apply to the Local (LAN) port of the router.
MAC Address
IP Address
This field displays the Media Access Control address being used by the
LAN port of the router.
This field displays the IP address being used by the Local (LAN) port of
the router. The default is
Identifies if the router’s built-in DHCP server is active for the LAN
attached devices.
IP Subnet Mask
This field displays the IP Subnet Mask being used by the Local (LAN)
port of the router. The default is
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Click on the Connection Status button to display the connection status, as shown below.
Figure 3-2
This screen shows the following statistics:.
Table 3-2:
Connection Status Items
IP Address
The WAN (Internet) IP Address assigned to the router.
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
DHCP Server
DNS Server
The WAN (Internet) Subnet Mask assigned to the router.
The WAN (Internet) default gateway the router communicates with.
The IP address of the DHCP server which provided the IP configuration addresses.
The IP address of the DNS server which provides network name to IP address
Lease Obtained
Lease Expires
When the DHCP lease was obtained.
When the DHCP lease was expires.
Click the Release button to release the DHCP lease.
Click the Renew button to renew the DHCP lease.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Click on the Show Statistics button to display router usage statistics, as shown below.
Figure 3-3
This screen shows the following statistics:
Table 3-3:
Router Statistics Items
System Up Time
The amount of time since the router was last restarted.
The statistics for the WAN (Internet) and LAN (local) ports. For each port, the screen
The link status of the port.
The number of packets transmitted on this port since reset or manual clear.
The number of packets received on this port since reset or manual clear.
The number of collisions on this port since reset or manual clear.
The current transmission (outbound) bandwidth used on the LAN ports.
The current reception (inbound) bandwidth used on the LAN ports.
The time elapsed since this port acquired the link.
Tx B/s
Rx B/s
Up Time
Poll Interval
Specifies the intervals at which the statistics are updated in this window. Click on Stop
to freeze the display.
Set Interval
Enter a time and click the button to set the polling frequency.
Click the Stop button to freeze the polling information.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Viewing a List of Attached Devices
The Attached Devices menu contains a table of all IP devices that the router has discovered on the
local network. From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading,
select Attached Devices to view the table, shown below.
Figure 3-4
For each device, the table shows the IP address, NetBIOS Host Name (if available), and Ethernet
MAC address. Note that if the router is rebooted, the table data is lost until the router rediscovers
the devices. To force the router to look for attached devices, click the Refresh button.
Configuration File Management
The configuration settings of the RP614v4 router are stored within the router in a configuration
file. This file can be saved (backed up) to a user’s computer, retrieved (restored) from the user’s
computer, or cleared to factory default settings.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select the Backup
Settings heading to bring up the menu shown below.
Figure 3-5
Three options are available, and are described in the following sections.
Restoring and Backing Up the Configuration
The Restore and Backup options in the Backup Settings menu allow you to save and retrieve a file
containing your router’s configuration settings.
To save your settings, click the Backup button. Your browser will extract the configuration file
from the router and will prompt you for a location on your computer to store the file. You can give
the file a meaningful name at this time, such as pacbell.cfg.
To restore your settings from a saved configuration file, enter the full path to the file on your
computer or click the Browse button to browse to the file. When you have located it, click the
Restore button to send the file to the router. The router will then reboot automatically.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Erasing the Configuration
It is sometimes desirable to restore the router to the factory default settings. This can be done by
using the Erase function, which will restore all factory settings. After an erase, the router's
password will be password, the LAN IP address will be, and the router's DHCP client
will be enabled.
To erase the configuration, click the Erase button.
To restore the factory default configuration settings without knowing the login password or IP
address, you must use the Default Reset button on the rear panel of the router. See “Restoring the
Upgrading the Router Software
The routing software of the RP614v4 router is stored in FLASH memory, and can be upgraded as
new software is released by NETGEAR. Upgrade files can be downloaded from the NETGEAR
Web site. If the upgrade file is compressed (.ZIP file), you must first extract the binary (.BIN) file
before sending it to the router. The upgrade file can be sent to the router using your browser.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select the Router
Upgrade heading to display the menu shown below.
Figure 3-6
To upload new firmware:
1. Download and unzip the new software file from NETGEAR.
2. In the Router Upgrade menu, click the Browse button and browse to the location of the binary
(.BIN) upgrade file
3. Click Upload.
In some cases, you may need to reconfigure the router after upgrading.
Changing the Administrator Password
The default password for the router’s Web Configuration Manager is password. Change this
password to a more secure password.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select Set
Password to bring up the menu shown below.
Figure 3-7
To change the password:
1. First enter the old password
2. Enter the new password twice.
3. Click Apply to save your changes.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
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Chapter 4
Advanced Configuration of the Router
This chapter describes how to configure the advanced features of your RP614v4 Cable/DSL
Router. These features can be found under the Advanced heading in the Main Menu of the browser
Configuring Port Triggering
Port Triggering is an advanced feature that can be used to easily enable gaming and other internet
applications. Port Forwarding is typically used to enable similar functionality, but it is static and
has some limitations.
Port Triggering opens an incoming port temporarily and does not require the server on the internet
to track your IP address if it is changed by DHCP, for example.
Port Triggering monitors outbound traffic. When the router detects traffic on the specified
outbound port, it remembers the IP address of the computer that sent the data and triggers the
incoming port. Incoming traffic on the triggered port is then forwarded to the triggering computer.
Using the Port Triggering page, you can make local computers or servers available to the Internet
for different services (for example, FTP or HTTP), to play Internet games (like Quake III), or to
use Internet applications (like CUseeMe).
Port Forwarding is designed for FTP, Web Server or other server based services. Once port
forwarding is set up, a request from the Internet will be forwarded to the proper server. In contrast,
port triggering will only allow request from Internet after a designated port is 'triggered'. Port
triggering applies to chat and Internet games.
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Figure 4-1
Port Triggering Timeout
Enter a value up to 9999 minutes. The Port Triggering Timeout value controls the inactivity
timer for the designated inbound port(s). The inbound port(s) will be closed when the
inactivity timer expires.
For Internet Games or Applications
Before starting, you'll need to know which service, application or game you'll be configuring.
Also, you'll need to have the outbound port (triggering port) address for this game or
Follow these steps to set up a computer to play Internet games or use Internet applications:
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
1. Click Add Service.
Figure 4-2
2. Enter a service name in the Service Name box.
3. In the Service User box, selecting the default value of Any allows the service to be used by
everyone in your network. Otherwise, to restrict the service to a particular PC, select Single
address and enter the PC’s IP address.
4. In the Service Type box, select between TCP (the default) and UDP.
5. In the Triggering Port box, enter the outbound port number that the application will use.
6. Set the parameters for the inbound connection—the connection type (TCP or UDP), the
starting port, and ending port numbers.
7. Click Apply to save your changes.
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
Configuring for Port Forwarding to Local Servers
Although the router causes your entire local network to appear as a single machine to the Internet,
you can make a local server (for example, a Web server or game server) visible and available to the
Internet. This is done using the Port Forwarding menu. From the Main Menu of the browser
interface, under Advanced, click on Port Forwarding to view the port forwarding menu, shown
Figure 4-3
Use the Port Forwarding menu to configure the router to forward incoming protocols to computers
on your local network. In addition to servers for specific applications, you can also specify a
Default DMZ Server to which all other incoming protocols are forwarded. The DMZ Server is
configured in the Security Menu.
Before starting, you need to determine which type of service, application or game you will provide
and the IP address of the computer that will provide each service. Be sure the computer’s IP
address never changes. To configure port forwarding to a local server:
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
1. From the Service & Game box, select the service or game that you will host on your network.
If the service does not appear in the list, refer to the following section, “Adding a Custom
2. Enter the IP address of the local server in the corresponding Server IP Address box.
3. Click the Add button.
Adding a Custom Service
To define a service, game or application that does not appear in the Services & Games list, you
must determine what port numbers are used by the service. For this information, you may need to
contact the manufacturer of the program that you wish to use. When you have the port number
information, follow these steps:
1. If port forwarding services are already configured, make a note of the Start Port and the End
Port used by each service.
2. Click the Add Custom Service button.
Figure 4-4
3. In the Service Name box, type a name.
4. Enter an unused port number Starting Port box.
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
5. To forward only one port, enter it again in the Ending Port box. To specify a range of ports,
enter the last port to be forwarded in the Ending Port box, making sure that the range of ports
being forwarded does not overlap with any currently configured services.
6. Enter the IP address of the local server in the corresponding Server IP Address box.
7. Click Apply at the bottom of the menu.
Editing or Deleting a Port Forwarding Entry
To edit or delete a Port Forwarding entry, follow these steps.
1. In the table, select the button next to the service name.
2. Click Edit or Delete.
Local Web and FTP Server Example
If a local computer with a private IP address of acts as a Web and FTP server,
configure the Ports menu to forward HTTP (port 80) and FTP (ports 20 and 21) to local address
To access this server from the Internet, the remote user must know the IP address that has been
assigned by your ISP. If this address is, for example, an Internet user can access your
the Router Status Menu, where it is shown as the WAN IP Address.
Some considerations for this application are:
If your account’s IP address is assigned dynamically by your ISP, the IP address may change
periodically as the DHCP lease expires.
If the IP address of the local computer is assigned by DHCP, it may change when the computer
is rebooted. To avoid this, you can manually configure the computer to use a fixed address.
Local computers must access the local server using the computers’ local LAN address
( in this example). Attempts by local computers to access the server using the
external IP address ( in this example) will fail.
Multiple Computers for Internet Game Example
To set up an additional computer to play an Internet game:
1. Select the game again from the Services/Games list.
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2. Change the beginning port number in the Start Port box.
For these games, use the supplied number in the default listing and add +1 for each additional
computer. For example, if you've already configured one computer to play Hexen II (using
port 26900), the second computer's port number would be 26901, and the third computer
would be 26902.
3. Type the same port number in the End Port box that you typed in the Start Port box.
4. Type the IP address of the additional computer in the Server IP Address box.
5. Click Apply.
Some online games and videoconferencing applications are incompatible with NAT. The RP614v4
router is programmed to recognize some of these applications and to work properly with them, but
there are other applications that may not function well. In some cases, one local computer can run
the application properly if that computer’s IP address is entered as the default in the Ports Menu. If
one local computer acts as a game or videoconferencing host, enter its IP address as the default.
Configuring the WAN Setup Options
The WAN Setup options let you configure a DMZ server, change the MTU size and enable the
router to respond to a Ping on the WAN port. These options are discussed below.
Setting Up a Default DMZ Server
The default DMZ server feature is helpful when using some online games and videoconferencing
applications that are incompatible with NAT. The router is programmed to recognize some of these
applications and to work properly with them, but there are other applications that may not function
well. In some cases, one local computer can run the application properly if that computer’s IP
address is entered as the default DMZ server.
Incoming traffic from the Internet is normally discarded by the router unless the traffic is a
response to one of your local computers or a service that you have configured in the Ports menu.
Instead of discarding traffic for services you have not defined, you can have it forwarded to one
computer on your network. This computer is called the Default DMZ Server.
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If you are willing to risk open access, the WAN Setup menu shown below lets you configure a
Default DMZ Server.
Figure 4-5
To assign a computer or server to be a Default DMZ server, follow these steps:
1. Click the WAN Setup link on the Advanced section of the main menu.
2. Check the Default DMZ Server box and type the IP address for that server. To remove the
default DMZ server, uncheck the Default DMZ Server box.
3. Click Apply.
Disabling the SPI Firewall
The SPI (Stateful Packet Inpection) Firewall protects your LAN against Denial of Service
attacks. This should only be disabled in special circumstances.
Responding to Ping on the Internet WAN Port
If you want the router to respond to a 'ping' from the Internet, click the ‘Respond to Ping on
Internet WAN Port’ check box. This should only be used as a diagnostic tool, since it allows your
router to be discovered. Do not check this box unless you have a specific reason to do so.
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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Setting the MTU Size
The default MTU size is usually fine. The normal MTU (Maximum Transmit Unit) value for most
Ethernet networks is 1500 Bytes. For some ISPs, particularly some using PPPoE, you may need to
reduce the MTU to 1492. This should not be done unless you are sure it is necessary by your ISP.
Any packets sent through the router that are larger than the configured MTU size will be
repackaged into smaller packets to meet the MTU requirement. To change the MTU size:
1. Under MTU Size, enter a new size between 64 and 1500.
2. Click Apply to save the new configuration.
Using the LAN IP Setup Options
The second feature category under the Advanced heading is LAN IP Setup. This menu allows
configuration of LAN IP services such as DHCP and RIP. From the Main Menu of the browser
interface, under Advanced, click on LAN IP Setup to view the LAN IP Setup menu, shown below.
Figure 4-6
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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Configuring LAN TCP/IP Setup Parameters
The router is shipped preconfigured to use private IP addresses on the LAN side, and to a
DHCP server. The router’s default LAN IP configuration is:
LAN IP addresses—
Subnet mask—
These addresses are part of the IETF-designated private address range for use in private networks,
and should be suitable in most applications. If your network has a requirement to use a different IP
addressing scheme, you can make those changes in this menu.
The LAN IP parameters are:
IP Address. This is the LAN IP address of the router.
IP Subnet Mask. This is the LAN Subnet Mask of the router. Combined with the IP address,
the IP Subnet Mask allows a device to know which other addresses are local to it, and which
must be reached through a gateway or router.
RIP Direction. RIP (Router Information Protocol) allows a router to exchange routing
information with other routers. The RIP Direction selection controls how the router sends and
receives RIP packets. Both is the default.
When set to Both or Out Only, the router will broadcast its routing table periodically.
When set to Both or In Only, it will incorporate the RIP information that it receives.
When set to None, it will not send any RIP packets and will ignore any RIP packets
RIP Version. This controls the format and the broadcasting method of the RIP packets that the
router sends. (It recognizes both formats when receiving.) By default, this is set for RIP-1.
RIP-1 is universally supported. RIP-1 is probably adequate for most networks, unless you
have an unusual network setup.
RIP-2 carries more information. RIP-2B uses subnet broadcasting.
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Using the Router as a DHCP server
By default, the router will function as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server,
allowing it to assign IP, DNS server, and default gateway addresses to all computers connected to
the router's LAN. The assigned default gateway address is the LAN address of the router. IP
addresses will be assigned to the attached computers from a pool of addresses specified in this
menu. Each pool address is tested before it is assigned to avoid duplicate addresses on the LAN.
For most applications, the default DHCP and TCP/IP settings of the router are satisfactory. See
“Internet Networking and TCP/IP Addressing” in Appendix B for for an explanation of DHCP and
information about how to assign IP addresses for your network.
If another device on your network will be the DHCP server, or to manually configure the network
settings of all of your computers, clear the ‘Use router as DHCP server’ check box. Otherwise,
leave it checked.
Specify the pool of IP addresses to be assigned by setting the Starting IP Address and Ending IP
Address. These addresses should be part of the same IP address subnet as the router’s LAN IP
address. Using the default addressing scheme, you should define a range between and, although you may wish to save part of the range for devices with fixed addresses.
The router will deliver the following parameters to any LAN device that requests DHCP:
An IP Address from the range you have defined
Subnet Mask
Gateway IP Address (the router’s LAN IP address)
Primary DNS Server (if you entered a Primary DNS address in the Basic Settings menu;
otherwise, the router’s LAN IP address)
Secondary DNS Server (if you entered a Secondary DNS address in the Basic Settings menu
Using Address Reservation
When you specify a reserved IP address for a computer on the LAN, that computer will always
receive the same IP address each time it access the router’s DHCP server. Reserved IP addresses
should be assigned to servers that require permanent IP settings.
To reserve an IP address:
1. Click the Add button.
2. In the IP Address box, type the IP address to assign to the computer or server. Choose an IP
address from the router’s LAN subnet, 192.168.1.X.
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3. Type the MAC Address of the computer or server.
4. Click Apply to enter the reserved address into the table.
Note: The reserved address will not be assigned until the next time the computer contacts the
router's DHCP server. Reboot the computer or access its IP configuration and force a DHCP
release and renew.
To edit or delete a reserved address entry:
1. Click the button next to the reserved address you want to edit or delete.
2. Click Edit or Delete.
Using a Dynamic DNS Service
If your network has a permanently assigned IP address, you can register a domain name and have
that name linked with your IP address by public Domain Name Servers (DNS). However, if your
Internet account uses a dynamically assigned IP address, you will not know in advance what your
IP address will be, and the address can change frequently. In this case, you can use a commercial
dynamic DNS service, which will allow you to register your domain to their IP address, and will
forward traffic directed at your domain to your frequently-changing IP address.
The router contains a client that can connect to many popular dynamic DNS services. You can
select one of these services and obtain an account with them. Then, whenever your ISP-assigned
IP address changes, your router will automatically contact your dynamic DNS service provider,
log in to your account, and register your new IP address.
To configure Dynamic DNS:
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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1. From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under Advanced, click on Dynamic DNS.
Figure 4-7
2. Register for an account with one of the dynamic DNS service providers whose names appear
3. Check the Use a dynamic DNS service check box.
4. Select your dynamic DNS Service Provider from the Service Provider box.
5. Type the Host Name (or domain name) that your dynamic DNS service provider gave you.
6. Type the User Name for your dynamic DNS account.
7. Type the Password (or key) for your dynamic DNS account.
8. If your dynamic DNS provider allows the use of wildcards in resolving your URL, you may
select the Use wildcards check box to activate this feature. For example, the wildcard feature
will cause * to be aliased to the same IP address as
9. Click Apply to save your configuration.
Configuring Static Routes
Static Routes provide additional routing information to your router. Under normal circumstances,
the router has adequate routing information after it has been configured for Internet access, and
you do not need to configure additional static routes. You must configure static routes only for
unusual cases such as multiple routers or multiple IP subnets located on your network.
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From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under Advanced, click on Static Routes to view the
IP Static Routes menu, shown below.
Figure 4-8
To add or edit a Static Route:
1. Click the Add button to open the Add/Edit Menu.
Figure 4-9
2. Type a route name for this static route in the Route Name box under the table. This is for
identification purposes only.
3. Check the Private box if you want to limit access to the LAN only. The static route will not be
reported in RIP.
4. Select Active to make this route effective.
5. Type the Destination IP Address of the final destination.
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6. Type the IP Subnet Mask for this destination. If the destination is a single host, type
7. Type the Gateway IP Address, which must be a router on the same LAN segment as the router.
8. Type a number between 1 and 15 as the Metric value. This represents the number of routers
between your network and the destination. Usually, a setting of 2 or 3 works, but if this is a
direct connection, set it to 1.
9. Click Apply to have the static route entered into the table.
As an example of when a static route is needed, consider the following case:
Your primary Internet access is through a cable modem to an ISP.
You have an ISDN router on your home network for connecting to the company where
you are employed. This router’s address on your LAN is
Your company’s network is
When you first configured your router, two implicit static routes were created. A default route was
created with your ISP as the gateway, and a second static route was created to your local network
for all 192.168.1.x addresses. With this configuration, if you attempt to access a device on the network, your router will forward your request to the ISP. The ISP forwards your
request to the company where you are employed, and the request will likely be denied by the
company’s firewall.
In this case you must define a static route, telling your router that should be accessed
through the ISDN router at
In this example:
The Destination IP Address and IP Subnet Mask fields specify that this static route applies to
all 134.177.x.x addresses.
The Gateway IP Address fields specifies that all traffic for these addresses should be
forwarded to the ISDN router at
A Metric value of 1 will work since the ISDN router is on the LAN.
Private is selected only as a precautionary security measure in case RIP is activated.
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Enabling Remote Management Access
Using the Remote Management page, you can allow a user or users on the Internet to configure,
upgrade and check the status of your RP614v4 router.
To configure your router for Remote Management:
1. From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under Advanced, click on Remote Management
Figure 4-10
2. Check the Turn Remote Management On check box.
3. Specify what external addresses will be allowed to access the router’s remote management.
For enhanced security, restrict access to as few external IP addresses as practical.
a. To allow access from any IP address on the Internet, select Everyone.
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b. To allow access from a range of IP addresses on the Internet, select IP address range.
Enter a beginning and ending IP address to define the allowed range.
c. To allow access from a single IP address on the Internet, select Only this Computer.
Enter the IP address that will be allowed access.
4. Specify the Port Number that will be used for accessing the management interface.
Web browser access normally uses the standard HTTP service port 80. For greater security,
change the remote management Web interface to a custom port by entering that number in the
box provided. Choose a number between 1024 and 65535, but do not use the number of any
common service port. The default is 8080, which is a common alternate for HTTP.
5. Click Apply to have your changes take effect.
Using Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) helps devices, such as Internet appliances and computers, access
the network and connect to other devices as needed. UPnP devices can automatically discover the
services from other registered UPnP devices on the network.
From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under Advanced, click on UPnP.
Figure 4-11
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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Set up UPnP according to the guidelines below.
Turn UPnP On. UPnP can be enabled or disabled for automatic device configuration. The
default setting for UPnP is disabled. If disabled, the router will not allow any device to
automatically control the resources, such as port forwarding (mapping), of the router.
Advertisement Period. The Advertisement Period is how often the router will broadcast its
UPnP information. This value can range from 1 to 1440 minutes. The default period is 30
minutes. Shorter durations will ensure that control points have current device status at the
expense of additional network traffic. Longer durations may compromise the freshness of the
device status but can significantly reduce network traffic.
Advertisement Time To Live. The time to live for the advertisement is measured in hops
(steps) for each UPnP packet sent. The time to live hop count is the number of steps a
broadcast packet is allowed to propagate for each UPnP advertisement before it disappears.
The number of hops can range from 1 to 255. The default value for the advertisement time to
live is 4 hops, which should be fine for most home networks. If you notice that some devices
are not being updated or reached correctly, then it may be necessary to increase this value a
UPnP Portmap Table. The UPnP Portmap Table displays the IP address of each UPnP device
that is currently accessing the router and which ports (Internal and External) that device has
opened. The UPnP Portmap Table also displays what type of port is opened and if that port is
still active for each IP address.
Advanced Configuration of the Router
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Chapter 5
This chapter gives information about troubleshooting your RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router. After
each problem description, instructions are provided to help you diagnose and solve the problem.
Basic Functioning
After you turn on power to the router, the following sequence of events should occur:
1. When power is first applied, verify that the Power light
2. After approximately 10 seconds, verify that:
a. The power light is solid green.
is on.
b. The LAN port lights are lit for any local ports that are connected.
c. The Internet port light is lit.
If a port’s light is lit, a link has been established to the connected device. If a LAN port is
connected to a 100 Mbps device, verify that the port’s light is green. If the port is 10 Mbps, the
light will be amber.
If any of these conditions does not occur, refer to the appropriate following section.
Power Light Not On
If the Power and other lights are off when your router is turned on:
Make sure that the power cord is properly connected to your router and that the power supply
adapter is properly connected to a functioning power outlet.
Check that you are using the 5 V DC 1A power adapter supplied by NETGEAR for this
If the error persists, you have a hardware problem and should contact technical support.
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Lights Never Turn Off
When the router is turned on, the lights turns on for about 10 seconds and then turn off. If all the
lights stay on, there is a fault within the router.
If all lights are still on one minute after power up:
Cycle the power to see if the router recovers.
Clear the router’s configuration to factory defaults. This will set the router’s IP address to This procedure is explained in “Restoring the Default Configuration and
If the error persists, you might have a hardware problem and should contact technical support.
LAN or Internet Port Lights Not On
If either the LAN lights or Internet light do not light when the Ethernet connection is made, check
the following:
Make sure that the Ethernet cable connections are secure at the router and at the hub or
Make sure that power is turned on to the connected hub or workstation.
Be sure you are using the correct cable.
Troubleshooting the Web Configuration Interface
If you are unable to access the router’s Web Configuration interface from a computer on your local
network, check the following:
Check the Ethernet connection between the computer and the router as described in the
previous section.
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Make sure your computer’s IP address is on the same subnet as the router. If you are using the
recommended addressing scheme, your computer’s address should be in the range of to Refer to “Preparing a Computer for Network Access” in
Appendix B for instructions on how to verify TCP/IP properties and for instructions on how to
configure your computer.
If your router’s IP address has been changed and you do not know the current IP address, clear
the router’s configuration to factory defaults. This will set the router’s IP address to This procedure is explained in “Restoring the Default Configuration and
Make sure your browser has Java, JavaScript, or ActiveX enabled. If you are using Internet
Explorer, click Refresh to be sure the Java applet is loaded.
Try quitting the browser and launching it again.
Make sure you are using the correct login information. The factory default login name is
admin and the password is password. Make sure that CAPS LOCK is off when entering this
If the router does not save changes you have made in the Web Configuration Interface, check the
When entering configuration settings, be sure to click Apply before moving to another menu
or tab, or your changes will be lost.
Click the Refresh or Reload button in the Web browser. The changes may have occurred, but
the Web browser may be caching the old configuration.
Troubleshooting the ISP Connection
If your router is unable to access the Internet, you should first determine whether the router is able
to obtain a WAN IP address from the ISP. Unless you have been assigned a static IP address, your
router must request an IP address from the ISP. You can determine whether the request was
successful using the Web Configuration Manager.
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To check the WAN IP address:
3. Under the Maintenance heading, select Router Status.
4. Check that an IP address is shown for the Internet (WAN) Port.
If is shown, your router has not obtained an IP address from your ISP.
If your router is unable to obtain an IP address from the ISP, you may need to force your cable or
DSL modem to recognize your new router by performing the following procedure:
1. Turn off power to the cable or DSL modem.
2. Turn off power to your router.
3. Wait five minutes and reapply power to the cable or DSL modem.
4. When the modem’s lights indicate that it has reacquired sync with the ISP, reapply power to
your router.
5. Then restart your computer.
If your router is still unable to obtain an IP address from the ISP, the problem may be one of the
Your ISP may require a login program.
Ask your ISP whether they require PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) or some other type of login.
If your ISP requires a login, you may have incorrectly set the login name and password.
Your ISP may check for your computer's host name.
Assign the computer Host Name of your ISP account as the Account Name in the Basic
Settings menu.
Your ISP only allows one Ethernet MAC address to connect to Internet, and may check for
your computer’s MAC address. In this case:
Inform your ISP that you have bought a new network device, and ask them to use the router’s
MAC address.
Configure your router to spoof your computer’s MAC address. This can be done in the Basic
Settings menu.
If your router can obtain an IP address, but your computer is unable to load any Web pages from
the Internet:
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Your computer may not recognize any DNS server addresses.
A DNS server is a host on the Internet that translates Internet names (such as www addresses)
to numeric IP addresses. Typically your ISP will provide the addresses of one or two DNS
servers for your use. If you entered a DNS address during the router’s configuration, reboot
your computer and verify the DNS address as described in “Preparing a Computer for
Network Access” in Appendix B. Alternatively, you may configure your computer manually
with DNS addresses, as explained in your operating system documentation.
Your computer may not have the router configured as its TCP/IP gateway.
If your computer obtains its information from the router by DHCP, reboot the computer and
verify the gateway address. For details, see “Preparing a Computer for Network Access” in
Troubleshooting a TCP/IP Network Using a Ping Utility
Most TCP/IP terminal devices and routers contain a ping utility that sends an echo request packet
to the designated device. The device then responds with an echo reply. Troubleshooting a TCP/IP
network is made very easy by using the ping utility in your computer or workstation.
Testing the LAN Path to Your Router
You can ping the router from your computer to verify that the LAN path to your router is set up
To ping the router from a PC running Windows 95 or later:
1. From the Windows toolbar, click on the Start button and select Run.
2. In the field provided, type Ping followed by the IP address of the router, as in this example:
3. Click on OK.
You should see a message like this one:
Pinging <IP address> with 32 bytes of data
If the path is working, you see this message:
Reply from < IP address >: bytes=32 time=NN ms TTL=xxx
If the path is not working, you see this message:
Request timed out
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If the path is not functioning correctly, you could have one of the following problems:
Wrong physical connections
Make sure the LAN port LED is on. If the LED is off, follow the instructions in “LAN
Check that the corresponding Link LEDs are on for your network interface card and
for the hub ports (if any) that are connected to your workstation and router.
Wrong network configuration
Verify that the Ethernet card driver software and TCP/IP software are both installed
and configured on your computer or workstation.
Verify that the IP address for your router and your workstation are correct and that the
addresses are on the same subnet.
Testing the Path from Your Computer to a Remote Device
After verifying that the LAN path works correctly, test the path from your computer to a remote
device. From the Windows run menu, type:
PING -n 10 <IP address>
where <IP address> is the IP address of a remote device such as your ISP’s DNS server.
If the path is functioning correctly, replies as in the previous section are displayed. If you do not
receive replies:
Check that your computer has the IP address of your router listed as the default gateway. If
the IP configuration of your computer is assigned by DHCP, this information will not be
visible in your computer’s Network Control Panel. Verify that the IP address of the router
is listed as the default gateway. For details, refer to “Preparing a Computer for Network
Check to see that the network address of your computer (the portion of the IP address
specified by the netmask) is different from the network address of the remote device.
Check that your cable or DSL modem is connected and functioning.
If your ISP assigned a host name to your computer, enter that host name as the Account
Name in the Basic Settings menu.
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Your ISP could be rejecting the Ethernet MAC addresses of all but one of your computers.
Many broadband ISPs restrict access by only allowing traffic from the MAC address of
your broadband modem, but some ISPs additionally restrict access to the MAC address of
a single computer connected to that modem. If this is the case, you must configure your
router to “clone” or “spoof” the MAC address from the authorized computer. To do this,
click on the Basic Settings link under the Setup heading of the browser interface at, and click the Use Computer MAC Address radio button.
Restoring the Default Configuration and Password
This section explains how to restore the factory default configuration settings, changing the
router’s administration password to password and the IP address to You can erase the
current configuration and restore factory defaults in two ways:
Use the Default Reset button on the rear panel of the router. Use this method for cases when
the administration password or IP address is not known.
To restore the factory default configuration settings without knowing the administration password
or IP address, you must use the Default Reset button on the rear panel of the router.
1. Press and hold the Default Reset button until the power light blinks on (about 10 seconds).
2. Release the Default Reset button and wait for the router to reboot.
If the router fails to restart or the power light continues to blink or turns solid amber, the unit
may be defective. If the error persists, you might have a hardware problem and should contact
technical support.
Problems with Date and Time
The E-mail menu in the Content Filtering section displays the current date and time of day. The
RP614v4 router uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to obtain the current time from one of
several Network Time Servers on the Internet. Each entry in the log is stamped with the date and
time of day. Problems with the date and time function can include:
Date shown is January 1, 2000. Cause: The router has not yet successfully reached a Network
Time Server. Check that your Internet access settings are configured correctly. If you have just
completed configuring the router, wait at least five minutes and check the date and time again.
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Appendix A
Technical Specifications
This appendix provides technical specifications for the RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router.
Factory Default Settings
Smart Wizard
Router Login Default Access
Router Login URL
Login Name (case sensitive) printed on product label
Login Password (case sensitive) printed on product
Internet Connection
WAN MAC Address
MTU Size
Use default hardware address
Local Network
Router Lan IP address printed on product label (also
known as Gateway IP address)
Router Subnet
DHCP Server
Time Zone
Pacific Time
Time Zone Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time
Inbound (communications coming in from the Internet) Disabled (bars all unsolicited requests)
Outbound (communications going out to the Internet) Enabled (all)
Technical Specifications
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
General Specifications
Network Protocol and Standards Compatibility
Data and Routing Protocols:
TCP/IP, RIP-1, RIP-2, DHCP, PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), Point-
to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Telstra BigPond
Power Adapter
North America:
United Kingdom, Australia:
120V, 60 Hz, input
240V, 50 Hz, input
230V, 50 Hz, input
100V, 50/60 Hz, input
5 V DC @ 1 A output, 5W maximum
All regions (output):
Physical Specifications
28 x 175 x 118 mm (1.1 x 6.89 x 4.65 in.)
0.3 kg (0.66 lb)
Environmental Specifications
Operating temperature:
Operating humidity:
0° to 40° C (32º to 104º F)
90% maximum relative humidity, noncondensing
Electromagnetic Emissions
Meets requirements of:
FCC Part 15 Class B
EN 55 022 (CISPR 22), Class B
Interface Specifications
10BASE-T or 100BASE-Tx, RJ-45
10BASE-T or 100BASE-Tx, RJ-45
Technical Specifications
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Appendix B
Related Documents
This appendix provides links to reference documents you can use to gain a more complete
understanding of the technologies used in your NETGEAR product.
Internet Networking and TCP/IP
Wireless Communications
Preparing a Computer for
Network Access
Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
Related Documents
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RP614v4 Cable/DSL Router Reference Manual
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